The Objective of Right AZ Rain

This blog will discuss political issues, and concomitant relationships whether religious or cultural and pull no punches.

I believe in Canadian Values, which have made our country the success it is, and do not think we need to bend over and change those core values if it diminishes what has made our country great, and reduces our freedom, including the freedom of expression.

I reserve the right to offend.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Chris Selley and PEI's abortion hardships

At some time in the evolution of Canadian Law, health care systems will conclude abortions, beyond those for health, rape, or incest, are an electable procedure and be paid for by the proponent who wishes to terminate the life she and her sex partner created. 

At that point we will see health costs reduced, more lazy hedonists, who undertake the sex act have protection and ensure they are using the technology provided by science to prevent pregnancy.  Having to travel a short distance will be moot.

Selley is essentially saying we ought not inconvenience a woman who, through choice, had sex without taking responsibility for her actions. As it turns out her lack of responsibility is to be "born" by the taxpayer.

Women have few excuses for getting pregnant when it is their choice. Feminists argue she should have a CHOICE to get an abortion.  They don't discuss the adult decision to take responsibility through CHOICE to not get pregnant.  I propose a new slogan and category for females to adopt. "I am Pro-Choice for ensuring I don't get pregnant." I think we will probably have a 95% approval rate on this. Ideological Feminists will oppose it because it would imply women are not "special" enough anymore and are acting like adults.

This just continues to infantilze women as a gender who, on its face, can't make responsible decisions before a human life is terminated due to their poor judgment. It's the old story of "rights" without responsibility.

The Mississippi vote was thankfully killed as it would not stand scrutiny in the SCOTUS and held the pro-life movement back for some time.  The issue must be dealt with incrementally, one step at a time, due to the misinformation supplied by the Feminist, tax supported lobby.

Chris Selley: Pro-lifers give themselves a warm fuzzy

Nov 18, 2011 – 7:00 AM ET | Last Updated: Nov 17, 2011 5:26 PM ET
Charlottetown is about four hours from Halifax or Fredericton by road. A return bus ticket costs $108. Some 140 Prince Edward Island women took those trips last year to terminate their pregnancies — as the National Post reported this week — in Halifax, on the province’s dime, if they have a referral from two doctors; or in Fredericton, out of pocket $800 to the Morgentaler Clinic, if they don’t.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Canadian Judge accepts premise no abortion law means moms can kill newborns and walk away

This is not a Ripley's Believe It Or Not Scenario.

It recently happened in a Canadian court room where a totally hard core feminist and desensitized Judge, named Joanne Veit, allowed a woman, Katrina Effert of Wetaskiwin, Alberta, to walk even though she was convicted of 2nd degree murder by not one, but two juries.

Justice Joanne Veit of the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench declared that Canada’s absence of a law on abortion signals that Canadians “sympathize” with the mother. Really, and who elected her to pass a new law that exonerates murder? Effert got a 3 year suspended sentence. If a dad did this to a new born he would be vilified, rightly, as a monster and given 10 or more years.

In Canada, however, if you are female you are portrayed by the judiciary as the victim not the dead son she strangled with her orange thong underwear.

Mr. Harper our Prime Minister should get busy on preparing a law that restricts abortion based on term of the child, and call a meeting with your Provincial colleagues to defund abortion unless absolutely medically necessary. You may want to read more on this case here:

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Dalton McGuinty's Green Delusions may fail - just like at Solyndra

As Dalton McGuinty crisscrosses the Province during this election season, in Ontario, extolling the virtues of all his mythical Green jobs and the amount of tax subsidy driving so called "Green" Energy take a look at Obama doing the same thing at a company called Solyndra a couple of years back.  This manufacturer of Solar Panel components, in Fremont, CA, got $535 million in government backed low interest loans.  Last week they declared bankruptcy as did two of their competitors not long before.

This week they were raided by the FBI.

View more videos at:

Thursday, 4 August 2011

The Commies are everywhere today

In addition to Parliamentary Press Gallery types nervously tweeting their mundane thoughts about communists in their midst, after Brian Lilley gave rise to their lefward political persuasion,  this one shows up with respect to one of their heroes.


Yikes! Look who just endorsed Obama for 4 more years

Accuses GOP of 'racism, lies, economic sabotage'

 Posted: August 03, 2011
9:37 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2011 WND

Barack Obama at a presidential debate at Hofstra University in New York.

It may be early in the campaign season, but the Communist Party USA already has seen fit to endorse Barack Obama for the 2012 election.

While noting he is disappointed with "some aspects" of the Obama administration's domestic and foreign policy, Sam Webb, chairman of the Communist Party USA, threw his support behind Obama's re-election bid.

In an article last week at People's Weekly World, the official newspaper of the Communist Party USA, Webb discussed the need for a third party consisting of the so-called working class and labor as well as "racially and nationally oppressed people, women, youth, immigrants, seniors, gay and straight."

Read more: Yikes! Look who just endorsed Obama for 4 more years

Musings about left wing Parliamentary Press Gallery lefty shills

One of the Ottawa Parliamentary Press Gallery left wing scribes, Glen McGregor, of the Ottawa Citizen, has criticized Brian Lilley's references to Quebec Solidaire's strictures as being very commie like and Brian also wondered if the interim Leader of the federalist  NDP shared the commie like views given her membership in this separatist political party in Quebec.  He also mused many of the PPG probably had or still do retain, similar beliefs in Communism.  This has many left wing scribes in a tizzy.

McGregor claims he is politically neutral in his writing as does another of his very left wing colleagues Dan Gardner. One can see that neutrality in the blog post, referred to below. ;)  I think there may be an epidemic of delusional thought in this cadre if they think the public is so dumb as to not understand their leanings.

It is clear most of this incestuous crowd are left - to far left  - in their political beliefs, just from their uttering and scribbles.  Some may well be commies. They certainly won't be buying memberships, however, any time soon or they will be unemployed. In addition many suffer from Harper Hatred Disorder and rant on about him, often in imbecilic, petulant tones.  Gardner does it daily on Twitter.

I made this observation on McGregor's  blog, starting with this startling quote which is certainly not shared by Status of women Canada:

“But if she planned to put our kids in a national news TV report endorsing a plank in a party’s platform during an election campaign — on behalf of our family — I might strongly suggest she reconsider.”

Are you admitting to be the arch enemy of feminism – a controlling Patriarch – daring to tell the world you are or would coerce your wife to not offer up her own opinion.

Likewise you choose to infer Mr. Lilley is somehow involved in similar coercion of his wife and that he is somehow controlling this situation. You accuse him of inferring the dipper is a commie, which she might be, but then tar him in the same manner. Pot meet kettle.

You don’t have to tell us your politics. It can easily be inferred from these and past scribbles, not too mention J. Ibbetson that thoughtful sycophant at the G&M.

Here are some of his musings:

"Like most journalists working on the Hill, I try to conduct my personal affairs in such a manner as to resist allegations of bias towards the politicians I cover. (Ed note: LOL)

I do not put up campaign signs during elections, I make no donations to political parties and keep my voting intentions to myself. I don’t even answer telephone polls on politics.

It’s not that I don’t have political views — my friends, family and some of my colleagues know them. It’s just that expressing them publicly will inevitably, to some, undermine the perceived credibility of my reporting. This is a standard practice among Hill reporters. Few of us want the headaches of dealing with charges that we’re in the tank for a party.

So, I was surprised to read in Sun TV commentator Brian Lilley’s blog this morning about NDP interim leader Nycole Turmel, in which he claims that “many” journalists working on the Hill have dabbled with communism in the past and some likely remain fellow travellers:..."

See more here:

Heres a sample of another left winger, Steven Wicary, at the G&M on Twiiter and my response.

Stephen Wicary
Commiewatch: responds to 's vague smear with evidence of specific shilling.
replies ↓
Michael Murphy


Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Monckton puts Australian National Press Club in their place

Lord Monckton knocks one out of the park in the Climate Debate with a rather sad sack left wing warmist in OZ.

Not only that he very skillfully skewers some know-it-all left wing journos.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The BBC: Climate Change in Bolivia

Oh my - a normally dry part of Bolivia gets record snow and cold.  Al Gore needs to put this in his Power Point Academy Award presentation! Climate change is indeed afoot in South America.MJM

Thousands stranded in Bolivia after unusually heavy snow

Bolivia's south west is normally a dry land but now has been hit by the worst snowstorms in years.

Thousands of people have been stranded and rescue efforts are under way.

More snow is expected in the coming days with temperatures expected to drop to -17 Celsius.
Liliet Heredero reports.

Video here:

Friday, 8 July 2011

Susan Riley - Ottawa Citizen Liberal Elitist Gay promoter

A column by Susan Riley a resident Liberal/Left elitist at the Ottawa Citdizen has outdone herself in the below column.  She states - "(his move has been applauded by the dying ranks of hate-mongers.)" in response to Mayor Rob Fords decision to spend time with his family on the Canada Day Weekend and generally ignore attending Gay Pride events.  Does one think even 1% of this lefty crowd voted for him?

Spoken like a true and bigoted Liberal. In the world of lefties like Riley if someone chooses not to attend a freak show like the Gay Pride Parade, and a person supports this stance they are "hate-mongers".

The logic of the left usually escapes my grasp but Riley out does herself today. What she is saying is if the Mayor and his supporters, for personal reasons, don't attend, and his supporters agree - they promote hatred. Gosh darn it, won't Jesus Christ be disappointed again if I don't attend an Easter Parade or the Irish will consider me a hateful person for not attending my ancestors big St. Paddy's Day parade.

Liberals can be dangerous - if you give them serious jobs - by promoting their own form of bigotry and name calling.

This kind of silliness doesn't help to create greater understanding of same sex relationships. About 95% of Canadians are heterosexual and do try to understand the unnatural attraction these same sex folks have and fortunately for us the species will survive as nature intended.

We're here, we're queer, we're used to it

By Susan Riley, Ottawa Citizen July 8, 2011

It has been six years, almost to the week, since the federal government sanctioned same-sex marriage and there has been no noticeable erosion of traditional unions, no epidemic of wives ditching husbands for their best girlfriends, hardly any upheaval at all.

OK, perhaps a slight uptick in business for Céline Dion impersonators.

Otherwise, life goes on. Adam and Steve renovate their downtown duplex and holiday in Maine rather than South Beach. Jane and Jessica move, with their two children, from Centretown to the suburbs where the school is closer and the parks cleaner.

Lesbian teachers marry lesbian nurses. The gay couple at a large accounting firm adopts a son from Latin America and their co-workers throw a shower. Openly gay police officers counsel school kids on bullying. A gay man runs for public office and is defeated; not because he's gay, because he's insufferable...

Read more:

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Ignatieff is again wrong with his analysis. Politics is not his strong suit.

I am a world traveller having been around this great world, and on one occasion circumnavigated the globe 360 degrees by air on one trip, dropping down in various countries on the trip of a lifetime. There are a great many Canadians working abroad, in particular Hong Kong where I had the pleasure of meeting some of them.

The big difference is they will not likely be gone 34 years and if they do will not likely think it is an invitation to run for PM.

Mr. Ignatieff is a lousy politician and was out smarted by very politically astute opponents. Heck even the socialists did better. Even though the left wing media, and that is most of it, fawned over you as the next great intellectual saviour, not unlike the socialist PET, Canadians saw through the facade.

Stay in Academia and absorb the lessons well. You led a party to its worst electoral defeat in history because, we the people, saw you as an arrogant stuffed shirt, very uncomfortable in your own political skin. The fact you were away for 34 years played a role but not the deciding one.

My name is Michael Ignatieff, and I am Canadian

From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
According to a report from the Asia Pacific Foundation, Canada has become a nation of expatriates. Nearly three million Canadians – 9 per cent of our population – live and work overseas.
Most of these expatriates are in the United States, but you can find Canadians everywhere: on oil rigs offshore in Ghana, in NGOs in African villages, hunkered down at United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, and in brokerage houses in Frankfurt, London and Beijing. Increasing numbers of our expatriates were born outside Canada, came to this country and now have moved on, taking their citizenship with them.

More here .

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Another Burka hiding bombs and guns

The politically correct, lefty elites will look foolish when this starts to happen over here.  They think the Burka is just fine and we ought not worry it objectifies women as property of their male keepers.

Besides they say we should be able to wear what we want, even it it hides our identity, oppresses females, and is used to hide bombs and guns.MJM

Taliban say husband and wife in Pakistan suicide attack

Damaged vehicles at the police station in Kolachi, Pakistan  
The pair raided the compound and took policemen hostage for several hours

A husband and wife carried out a suicide attack that killed eight people at a police station in north-western Pakistan, the Taliban has said.

The attack took place late on Saturday in Kolachi, near the tribal region and Taliban stronghold of South Waziristan.

The pair entered the police station dressed in burkas, hiding rifles, hand grenades and suicide vests underneath.

They held staff hostage for several hours before detonating themselves, killing seven officers and a tea boy.

The pair pretended that they had a complaint to make when they initially entered the station before removing their burkas and launching an assault.

'Different strategies'
The BBC's Orla Guerin, in Islamabad, says that the use of a husband and wife suicide squad by the Pakistani Taliban is a new tactic, and a new threat.

Already, our correspondent adds, the militants have resorted to using children as human bombs. And a suicide attack in Pakistan's tribal areas last December was blamed on a woman bomber.

More here

Friday, 24 June 2011

Parliamentary Press Gallery outed again for shoddy reporting

A very good summary of the Canadian media lemmings and their relationship to the detainee issue. I view the Parliamentary Press Gallery as a group of insular, incestuous, and conformist so-called journalists, who because the nature of their jobs is to dig for controversy, will do so on the flimsiest of evidence.  They lack credibility and one should take anything they write or say with a grain of salt.MJM

Time to give this detainee nonsense a rest


Read more:

Thursday, 23 June 2011

State Broadcaster given monopoly for Canada Day Party - CBC wins because it uses tax money

My protest letter to the Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Canadian Heritage, James Moore over allowing the State Run broadcaster, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)  monopoly rights over the performances during the tax supported Canada Day Party on Parliament Hill.

From: Mike Murphy <mike.murphy@no>
Date: 23 June 2011 11:04
Subject: The secret deal between James Moore and the CBC on Canada Day
To: James Moore <>
Cc: Stephen Harper <>

I am given to understand my tax dollars are being used by the CBC to monopolize the noon hour party hosted by Mr. Moore on Canada Day.

Mr. Moore has stated the party during this time slot  is only available for broadcast if there are no commercials which effectively leaves only the CBC, supported unwillingly by my tax dollars, who can show the performances by performing groups.

In a nutshell, your government, the party of free enterprise and less government, is  collaborating with your very own State Broadcaster, to shut out all the free enterprise television networks in Canada. The DOCH and its CBC apparatchiks are taking my tax money and monopolizing who can broadcast the event.  Do you see the irony in this at all? If you do, why are you acting more like the socialists in allowing it to occur. Where are the real Conservative principles espoused in the CPC constitution.

Did Mr. Moore lie when he said there was a bidding process? Only the CBC and CTV were allowed to respond to his invitation and CTV was not allowed to show commercials. Where was Global or Sun News?  There was no public bidding and no criteria placed before the public.

The CPC has 4 years to respond to acting like a fiscally Conservative, private enterprise supporting government. As part of your base, and a paid up party member,  I have put you on probation over this period. Government expenses and expenditures need to be reduced. The $1.1 billion given to the CBC is part of my taxes not required for the purpose of supporting a state owned broadcaster in the 21st century of satellite and  cellular communication.   The government needs to put CBC out to pasture as a private corporation, not unlike PBS, and have those who truly wish to watch its schlock pay for it directly.

Mr. Moore acts more like an advocate and bobble head for CBC management and not a steward of the taxpayer.  He seems to have drunk the kool-aid after schmoozing with all the artsy crafty crowd and is a convert, rather than a good manager.

It's time to make fundamental change and the CBC is one of those areas that will clearly show the government of Stephen Harper, a courageous man I admire, is serious. It's time to walk the talk.

Mike Murphy

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Obama being schooled by Benjamin Netanyahu

The relative amateur and appeaser President Obama wants Israel to return to the pre-1967 borders. It's interesting, on many levels, given the porosity of the Mexican/USA border, the clear lack of astuteness in his administration thinking the Canadian border is more dangerous than the Mexican side, and the history of the USA in it's own conquering of land formerly belonging to other countries, within the contiguous USA. Perhaps Obama would consider giving California back to Mexico using his current logic.  Would that be the 1850 borders?

Watch the video to get a good account of Obama's clear lack of logical thinking and his continued willingness to appease the Arabs, who call themselves Palestinians.  The latter term is a creation of the old NKVD, of the former Soviet Union, who trained Arafat to use it so people would believe there actually was such a place.  There wasn't and isn't.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Bob Rae - retread Socialist and extravagant spend thrift offers himself as Liberal Temporary Leader

If you were Chairman of the Board and wanted to rebuild the company would you hire a temporary leader to be caretaker, start the rebuild and then hire a completely different person to take over in less than 2 years?

It's no wonder the Liberals are in the tank.

Bob Rae says he won’t run for Liberal party leadership

Steven Harper and the Senate

Much has been made by the punditocracy, and even Premiere Brad Wall of Sask has opined the 3 recent appointments of  Senators, who lost in the HOC election, is bad for democracy and problematic.  It is most interesting to see the swelled heads of Andrew Coyne of MacLeans, Dan Gardner, of the Ottawa Citizen, and Scott Stinson of the National Post express faux outrage over Mr. Harper's temerity.  The political sky is falling and Democracy, as we know it in Canada, is in danger -  almost as much as AGW is going to bake we Canadians into stiff pretzels instead of frozen noodles.

Here is a recent Tweet of Coyne on the size of government. He predicts with the certainty of a man who voted Liberal expecting a different outcome than what occurred with a majority CPC government.

"@acoyne acoyne  May 18/2011 People on CBC keep talking about the coming "austerity". Folks, there is not going to be any austerity. At most they will slow the growth..."

Would you bet he is right?

Someone tell Wall (and the Punditocracy) the PM requires a majority in the Senate to ensure change. Paul Martin, in his short time in power, made 13 appointments to the body.

The current breakdown does not ensure Mr. Harper will get the reform he desires.  Including his 3 recent appointees  those listed as Conservative number 55, Liberals 45, Independent 2 and PC 2.  Mulroney still has 15 appointees who could nominally be considered PC ( i.e. potentially Red Tory rather than Conservative) but may not wish to limit their terms or be elected.

Normally the Senate has 105 Seats but to ensure passage of reform legislation Harper can appoint up to 13 more Senators above the 105.  He is playing a numbers game and will want to ensure he has enough votes before putting the changes through.

If I were him I'd be doing the same thing. He is playing a long game and has 4 years to get his numbers up.  Between now and 2014 there will be at least 23 retirements due to age so time is on his side.  Those who are critical fail to understand his strategic focus even after 5 years as PM.

In the long game no one will remember this in a year, let alone 4.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Jonathan Kay: No distinction between Islam and Islamism for Geert Wilders

Geert Wilders was interviewed by Jonathon Kay, Op-Ed Editor of the National Post here

Mr. Wilders is one of the few politicians in the world to tackle the cult of Mohammad and Islamism.

He has many supporters who do understand this is no ordinary religion but a total fascist ideology teaching only they are right all others are infidels.

One only has to look at the basket cases world wide where this ideology is practised such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran for starters. If the Saudi Peninsula didn't have oil they would still be living in tents.

Welcome to Canada Mr. Wilders many of us here are behind you.MJM

"As an editor at the National Post, I often rely on three letters to protect my columnists from human-rights tribunals: I-S-M — these being the difference between spelling Islam and Islamism.
The former is a religion — like Christianity or Judaism. The latter is an ideology, which seeks to impose an intolerant fundamentalist version of Islam on all Muslims, and spread the faith throughout the world. Declaring Islamism a menace isn’t controversial. Declaring Islam a menace is considered hate speech.

Geert Wilders’ refusal to deploy those three letters is the reason that the 47-year-old Dutch politician travels with bodyguards, and cannot sleep in the same house two nights in a row. For Mr. Wilders, the problem plaguing Western societies is Islam, full stop. Terrorism, tyranny, the subjugation of women — these are not perversions of Islam, as he sees it, but rather its very essence.

“The word ‘Islamism’ suggests that there is a moderate Islam and a non-moderate Islam,” he told me during an interview in Toronto on Sunday. “And I believe that this is a distinction that doesn’t exist. It’s like the Prime Minister of Turkey [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan, said ‘There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam, and that’s it.’ This is the Islam of the Koran.”

What the GOP can learn from Canada’s Conservatives

The Washington Examiner takes a look at election 41 in Canada and concludes there may be lessons for the GOP in the USA.

"The Conservatives’ triumph offers a couple of lessons that may be relevant to U.S. Republicans. One is that smaller-government policies, far from being political poison, are actually vote winners.

The second is that a center-right party can win immigrant votes. Conservatives won 35 of 54 seats in metro Toronto, many heavy with immigrants. One tactic that seems to have worked was to circulate videos of Indian- and Chinese-Canadian Conservative candidates appealing for votes in their native tongues.

The simple message is that this is a party that likes and respects you. Republicans could do something similar, with Sen. Marco Rubio, Govs. Susana Martinez and Brian Sandoval, and Reps. Allen West, Tim Scott and Quico Canseco, all elected in 2010.

So Canada has moved from a four-party politics rooted in its own special history to a two-party politics more similar to ours. Nothing boring about that."

In Norway's Bastoy they treat prisoners differently

The UK Mail Online Article is worth a read. I don't know if the experiment withstand's scientific scrutiny but they claim a recidivism rate of only 16% as compared to the rest of Europe of 70%.

"Can a prison possibly justify treating its inmates with saunas, sunbeds and deckchairs if that prison has the lowest reo ffending rate in Europe? Live reports from Norway on the penal system that runs contrary to all our instincts - but achieves everything we could wish for..."

Murray Aubin shows his polarized view of the leftist world he occupies

Murray Aubin, a long term far left pundit has indicated his dislike of the Conservative Party of Canada in a Vancouver Sun Blog Post.  

He hasn't posted my retort and may not as it was not favourable to his thoughts on the socialists, and extreme left wing members, in the NDP.  For non Canadian readers the NDP is a far left wing socialist party comprised of some reformed communists, Marxists, anarchists, disgruntled left wing Liberals, radical feminists, radical unionists, and terrorist supporters.  A portion of these members are 911 truthers, rabidly anti-American and pro-Hamas.  Aubin tries to infuse a degree of respectability on their recent increase in Parliament 41 seats. The increase is largely due to a transfer of voters from the socialist, separatist party, the Bloc Québécois (BQ) a party similar in social outlook. The BQ, however, are overt separatists. The NDP are playing to the same sentiments of Quebec nationalism but, like the BQ, will not be able to deliver anything they promised to  the fickle electorate. 


Aubin Sates:

"The prospect for a merger between the Liberals and the NDP is virtually zero. Neither party will ever put the country ahead of their own narrow interests. This is simply the perverse nature of party politics. Their entire reason for being is to get as many seats as possible: full stop. They are constitutionally and culturally incapable of any other goal. Efforts before the 2008 election to get the Greens and the NDP to co-operate by strategically withdrawing from some ridings to help defeat Conservatives got absolutely nowhere. Layton’s triumphalism, on election night – speaking to a country (not only his own party) facing the most destructive government in its history – just reinforced the point."

Daubin uses the ill termed overused "centre-left" to describe the NDP. Sorry Mr. Daubin, radical left is the appropriate term.  If you doubt me check their constitution, not found on their website for good reason. It would scare mainstream Canadians. A portion follows below.

You describe the CPC as the most destructive in Canadian History. To whom? Yes to the Liberals and Yes to the BQ but that was by design.

The left wing radicals, like Rebick, Davies, Klein and many others who call the NDP home are a clear danger to Canada, our values, our way of life and our standard of living.

Here is a portion of the NDP constitution, which they hide from an unsuspecting, electorate.
  • That the production and distribution of goods and services shall be directed to meeting the social and individual needs of people within a sustainable environment and economy and not to the making of profit;
  • To modify and control the operations of the monopolistic productive and distributive organizations through economic and social planning.
  • Towards these ends and where necessary the extension of the principle of social ownership;
  • The New Democratic Party holds firm to the belief that the dignity and freedom of the individual is a basic right that must be maintained and extended;

The rise of the NDP is largely a phenomenon of fickle Quebec voters shopping for the most recent lobby group and panderer for their entitlements.  It will not last and fractures will be evident over the next 4 years culminating in House Of Commons floor crossings. The fact people would vote for candidates they never knew, never met, didn't know they spoke little French in Francophone ridings, and who  have never seen the riding,  is not a compliment to democracy.  It is nothing more than personality politics. They bought the promise of a used car salesman who, history will show, sold a product with no warranty, no way to deliver, but it does have an expiry date.