The Objective of Right AZ Rain

This blog will discuss political issues, and concomitant relationships whether religious or cultural and pull no punches.

I believe in Canadian Values, which have made our country the success it is, and do not think we need to bend over and change those core values if it diminishes what has made our country great, and reduces our freedom, including the freedom of expression.

I reserve the right to offend.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Obama being schooled by Benjamin Netanyahu

The relative amateur and appeaser President Obama wants Israel to return to the pre-1967 borders. It's interesting, on many levels, given the porosity of the Mexican/USA border, the clear lack of astuteness in his administration thinking the Canadian border is more dangerous than the Mexican side, and the history of the USA in it's own conquering of land formerly belonging to other countries, within the contiguous USA. Perhaps Obama would consider giving California back to Mexico using his current logic.  Would that be the 1850 borders?

Watch the video to get a good account of Obama's clear lack of logical thinking and his continued willingness to appease the Arabs, who call themselves Palestinians.  The latter term is a creation of the old NKVD, of the former Soviet Union, who trained Arafat to use it so people would believe there actually was such a place.  There wasn't and isn't.

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