Spoken like a true and bigoted Liberal. In the world of lefties like Riley if someone chooses not to attend a freak show like the Gay Pride Parade, and a person supports this stance they are "hate-mongers".
The logic of the left usually escapes my grasp but Riley out does herself today. What she is saying is if the Mayor and his supporters, for personal reasons, don't attend, and his supporters agree - they promote hatred. Gosh darn it, won't Jesus Christ be disappointed again if I don't attend an Easter Parade or the Irish will consider me a hateful person for not attending my ancestors big St. Paddy's Day parade.
Liberals can be dangerous - if you give them serious jobs - by promoting their own form of bigotry and name calling.
This kind of silliness doesn't help to create greater understanding of same sex relationships. About 95% of Canadians are heterosexual and do try to understand the unnatural attraction these same sex folks have and fortunately for us the species will survive as nature intended.
We're here, we're queer, we're used to it
By Susan Riley, Ottawa Citizen July 8, 2011
It has been six years, almost to the week, since the federal government sanctioned same-sex marriage and there has been no noticeable erosion of traditional unions, no epidemic of wives ditching husbands for their best girlfriends, hardly any upheaval at all.
OK, perhaps a slight uptick in business for Céline Dion impersonators.
Otherwise, life goes on. Adam and Steve renovate their downtown duplex and holiday in Maine rather than South Beach. Jane and Jessica move, with their two children, from Centretown to the suburbs where the school is closer and the parks cleaner.
Lesbian teachers marry lesbian nurses. The gay couple at a large accounting firm adopts a son from Latin America and their co-workers throw a shower. Openly gay police officers counsel school kids on bullying. A gay man runs for public office and is defeated; not because he's gay, because he's insufferable...
Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/entertainment/here+queer+used/5069341/story.html#Comments#ixzz1RXJ19hvm
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