The Objective of Right AZ Rain

This blog will discuss political issues, and concomitant relationships whether religious or cultural and pull no punches.

I believe in Canadian Values, which have made our country the success it is, and do not think we need to bend over and change those core values if it diminishes what has made our country great, and reduces our freedom, including the freedom of expression.

I reserve the right to offend.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Jonathan Kay: No distinction between Islam and Islamism for Geert Wilders

Geert Wilders was interviewed by Jonathon Kay, Op-Ed Editor of the National Post here

Mr. Wilders is one of the few politicians in the world to tackle the cult of Mohammad and Islamism.

He has many supporters who do understand this is no ordinary religion but a total fascist ideology teaching only they are right all others are infidels.

One only has to look at the basket cases world wide where this ideology is practised such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran for starters. If the Saudi Peninsula didn't have oil they would still be living in tents.

Welcome to Canada Mr. Wilders many of us here are behind you.MJM

"As an editor at the National Post, I often rely on three letters to protect my columnists from human-rights tribunals: I-S-M — these being the difference between spelling Islam and Islamism.
The former is a religion — like Christianity or Judaism. The latter is an ideology, which seeks to impose an intolerant fundamentalist version of Islam on all Muslims, and spread the faith throughout the world. Declaring Islamism a menace isn’t controversial. Declaring Islam a menace is considered hate speech.

Geert Wilders’ refusal to deploy those three letters is the reason that the 47-year-old Dutch politician travels with bodyguards, and cannot sleep in the same house two nights in a row. For Mr. Wilders, the problem plaguing Western societies is Islam, full stop. Terrorism, tyranny, the subjugation of women — these are not perversions of Islam, as he sees it, but rather its very essence.

“The word ‘Islamism’ suggests that there is a moderate Islam and a non-moderate Islam,” he told me during an interview in Toronto on Sunday. “And I believe that this is a distinction that doesn’t exist. It’s like the Prime Minister of Turkey [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan, said ‘There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam, and that’s it.’ This is the Islam of the Koran.”

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