The Objective of Right AZ Rain

This blog will discuss political issues, and concomitant relationships whether religious or cultural and pull no punches.

I believe in Canadian Values, which have made our country the success it is, and do not think we need to bend over and change those core values if it diminishes what has made our country great, and reduces our freedom, including the freedom of expression.

I reserve the right to offend.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Left wing Journo, Stephen Wicary, for Globe & Mail moves to Cuba

John Kay, of the National Post, made some observations on Ezra Levant's monologues on Stephen Wicary who left his post as the online editor of the Globe & Mail recently to take up residence in communist Cuba. These observations are a result of both Ezra's remarks and a Twitter war that broke out on the 5/7/12 and lasted into the morning of the 6/7/12.

Jonathan Kay: Much ado about Stephen Wicary’s Cuban adventure

"Every once in a while, Sun TV infotainer Ezra Levant reminds us why Canada needs his unique brand of say-anything Glenn Beckesque “journalism.” And every once in a while, he assaults decency in a way that leaves us all with dropped jaws (bananas, anyone?). Sometimes, he even manages to do both within the same five-minute monologue segment.

So it was on Friday, with this tirade against the Canadian mainstream media, and a certain outgoing Globe & Mail editor — in which he leads off with a worthy 2-minute skewering of the general Twitter-mediated sameness and leftism that pervades most of this country’s opinion-makers. More specifically, he points out that the pundit class has seemed bored by the underplayed scandal of Liberal leadership candidates who’ve violated campaign-finance rules by failing to repay loans; even while frenzying itself over the robo-calls issue (which was a fine scoop — not “fake,” as Ezra claims — but also one that never came close to justifying the now-fizzled outrage of NDP and Liberal question-period MPs, who cast it as a sort of Canadian Watergate).

Unfortunately, Ezra then spends the next three minutes going off on an ad hominem attack on Globe & Mail online editor Stephen Wicary, who is setting sail for a new non-Globe-affiliated life in communist Cuba. And here’s where Ezra shows his dark side."

My observations left on the NP blog.

Ezra's main point is the PPG and other left wing Journos, who have raised the  specter of losing democracy in Canada, are now defending one of their own who has bitterly complained about the loss of Democracy in Canada. Is the irony not lost on people he will now move to a commie regime, albeit with pretty good weather. (research shows democracy is no different than when Trudeau centralized power in the PMO). That is truly a changed state of mind. Those with any sense of observation already knew Wicary was a bleeding heart socialist from his own activities.

Let Wicary now try and complain about the Castro regime on his Twitter feed and he will truly know the difference. Most of those journos saying the sky is falling with respect to democracy have much in common. They think and run like a pack. Here is a list of some of the media party pack that showed up to last night in defence of the penultimate lefty journo Wicary. Jon Kay, Dan Gardner, Emmett MacFarlane, a lefty Political Science University teacher, always in denial over his political leanings, who likes to run with the pack, Paul Wells, Kady O'Malley - one of the pack leaders who tries so hard to appear impartial but fails, that dipper who loves robo call faux scandals, Glen McGregor, of "Frank" Magazine, Mulroney daughter deflowering fame, and Andrew Coyne the leader of the Democracy Deficit revolution in the pack. There were a few more minor pack followers whose names are irrelevant as are their scribbles
They clearly have not lived in an undemocratic country. They proved Ezra's point about their "pack" mentality by all joining in to defend Wicary.

One of the more humorous exchanges came from McGregor, who took umbrage at a comment Kay made about the perceived lack of "balls" on robo call obsessive's, and proffered he would no longer file his stories with the NP. McGregor thinks he actually has the power to do that! It appears delusion is something not confined to those locked up in the hospital. Note these same journos completely ignore the former Liberal leadership candidates with large outstanding loans from 2006, in defiance of election laws, which Elections Canada is also ignoring.

If you ever want to get an idea of what is wrong in journalism in Canada we saw it last night in the Twitter battle, lasting into the wee hours of the AM. They had quite the media party encounter proving the assertion they are indeed a monocultural, drone, core of not overly inspiring scribblers who think alike and are left of centre in many of their views. Their defensiveness was pretty clear and also ironically they proved Ezras point.

If anyone wonders who is one of the most influential TV personalities in Canada, don't miss tonight's "The Source"? Guess who will all be watching!

PS - Mr. Kay: Are any of those former colleagues in the ME, female?

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