The Objective of Right AZ Rain

This blog will discuss political issues, and concomitant relationships whether religious or cultural and pull no punches.

I believe in Canadian Values, which have made our country the success it is, and do not think we need to bend over and change those core values if it diminishes what has made our country great, and reduces our freedom, including the freedom of expression.

I reserve the right to offend.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Ignatieff is again wrong with his analysis. Politics is not his strong suit.

I am a world traveller having been around this great world, and on one occasion circumnavigated the globe 360 degrees by air on one trip, dropping down in various countries on the trip of a lifetime. There are a great many Canadians working abroad, in particular Hong Kong where I had the pleasure of meeting some of them.

The big difference is they will not likely be gone 34 years and if they do will not likely think it is an invitation to run for PM.

Mr. Ignatieff is a lousy politician and was out smarted by very politically astute opponents. Heck even the socialists did better. Even though the left wing media, and that is most of it, fawned over you as the next great intellectual saviour, not unlike the socialist PET, Canadians saw through the facade.

Stay in Academia and absorb the lessons well. You led a party to its worst electoral defeat in history because, we the people, saw you as an arrogant stuffed shirt, very uncomfortable in your own political skin. The fact you were away for 34 years played a role but not the deciding one.

My name is Michael Ignatieff, and I am Canadian

From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
According to a report from the Asia Pacific Foundation, Canada has become a nation of expatriates. Nearly three million Canadians – 9 per cent of our population – live and work overseas.
Most of these expatriates are in the United States, but you can find Canadians everywhere: on oil rigs offshore in Ghana, in NGOs in African villages, hunkered down at United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, and in brokerage houses in Frankfurt, London and Beijing. Increasing numbers of our expatriates were born outside Canada, came to this country and now have moved on, taking their citizenship with them.

More here .

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Another Burka hiding bombs and guns

The politically correct, lefty elites will look foolish when this starts to happen over here.  They think the Burka is just fine and we ought not worry it objectifies women as property of their male keepers.

Besides they say we should be able to wear what we want, even it it hides our identity, oppresses females, and is used to hide bombs and guns.MJM

Taliban say husband and wife in Pakistan suicide attack

Damaged vehicles at the police station in Kolachi, Pakistan  
The pair raided the compound and took policemen hostage for several hours

A husband and wife carried out a suicide attack that killed eight people at a police station in north-western Pakistan, the Taliban has said.

The attack took place late on Saturday in Kolachi, near the tribal region and Taliban stronghold of South Waziristan.

The pair entered the police station dressed in burkas, hiding rifles, hand grenades and suicide vests underneath.

They held staff hostage for several hours before detonating themselves, killing seven officers and a tea boy.

The pair pretended that they had a complaint to make when they initially entered the station before removing their burkas and launching an assault.

'Different strategies'
The BBC's Orla Guerin, in Islamabad, says that the use of a husband and wife suicide squad by the Pakistani Taliban is a new tactic, and a new threat.

Already, our correspondent adds, the militants have resorted to using children as human bombs. And a suicide attack in Pakistan's tribal areas last December was blamed on a woman bomber.

More here

Friday, 24 June 2011

Parliamentary Press Gallery outed again for shoddy reporting

A very good summary of the Canadian media lemmings and their relationship to the detainee issue. I view the Parliamentary Press Gallery as a group of insular, incestuous, and conformist so-called journalists, who because the nature of their jobs is to dig for controversy, will do so on the flimsiest of evidence.  They lack credibility and one should take anything they write or say with a grain of salt.MJM

Time to give this detainee nonsense a rest


Read more:

Thursday, 23 June 2011

State Broadcaster given monopoly for Canada Day Party - CBC wins because it uses tax money

My protest letter to the Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Canadian Heritage, James Moore over allowing the State Run broadcaster, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)  monopoly rights over the performances during the tax supported Canada Day Party on Parliament Hill.

From: Mike Murphy <mike.murphy@no>
Date: 23 June 2011 11:04
Subject: The secret deal between James Moore and the CBC on Canada Day
To: James Moore <>
Cc: Stephen Harper <>

I am given to understand my tax dollars are being used by the CBC to monopolize the noon hour party hosted by Mr. Moore on Canada Day.

Mr. Moore has stated the party during this time slot  is only available for broadcast if there are no commercials which effectively leaves only the CBC, supported unwillingly by my tax dollars, who can show the performances by performing groups.

In a nutshell, your government, the party of free enterprise and less government, is  collaborating with your very own State Broadcaster, to shut out all the free enterprise television networks in Canada. The DOCH and its CBC apparatchiks are taking my tax money and monopolizing who can broadcast the event.  Do you see the irony in this at all? If you do, why are you acting more like the socialists in allowing it to occur. Where are the real Conservative principles espoused in the CPC constitution.

Did Mr. Moore lie when he said there was a bidding process? Only the CBC and CTV were allowed to respond to his invitation and CTV was not allowed to show commercials. Where was Global or Sun News?  There was no public bidding and no criteria placed before the public.

The CPC has 4 years to respond to acting like a fiscally Conservative, private enterprise supporting government. As part of your base, and a paid up party member,  I have put you on probation over this period. Government expenses and expenditures need to be reduced. The $1.1 billion given to the CBC is part of my taxes not required for the purpose of supporting a state owned broadcaster in the 21st century of satellite and  cellular communication.   The government needs to put CBC out to pasture as a private corporation, not unlike PBS, and have those who truly wish to watch its schlock pay for it directly.

Mr. Moore acts more like an advocate and bobble head for CBC management and not a steward of the taxpayer.  He seems to have drunk the kool-aid after schmoozing with all the artsy crafty crowd and is a convert, rather than a good manager.

It's time to make fundamental change and the CBC is one of those areas that will clearly show the government of Stephen Harper, a courageous man I admire, is serious. It's time to walk the talk.

Mike Murphy