The big difference is they will not likely be gone 34 years and if they do will not likely think it is an invitation to run for PM.
Mr. Ignatieff is a lousy politician and was out smarted by very politically astute opponents. Heck even the socialists did better. Even though the left wing media, and that is most of it, fawned over you as the next great intellectual saviour, not unlike the socialist PET, Canadians saw through the facade.
Stay in Academia and absorb the lessons well. You led a party to its worst electoral defeat in history because, we the people, saw you as an arrogant stuffed shirt, very uncomfortable in your own political skin. The fact you were away for 34 years played a role but not the deciding one.
My name is Michael Ignatieff, and I am Canadian
From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
Last updated
According to a report from the Asia Pacific Foundation, Canada has become a nation of expatriates. Nearly three million Canadians – 9 per cent of our population – live and work overseas.Most of these expatriates are in the United States, but you can find Canadians everywhere: on oil rigs offshore in Ghana, in NGOs in African villages, hunkered down at United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, and in brokerage houses in Frankfurt, London and Beijing. Increasing numbers of our expatriates were born outside Canada, came to this country and now have moved on, taking their citizenship with them.
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